Art Critic Swedish and International Art Critic Stig-Åke Stålnacke, member of AICA (Association International Critique d'Art):

With all possible enthusiasm

"She knows that life is a journey. And she also knows that the work of art, the painting, the song, the dance are travel-descriptions of this journey….. She who knows is Mona Pilgaard Moth, an artist and also a poet painting with great tenderness and warmth.
It is the true simplicity that is so moving in her paintings. She is driven by a strong will to tell the naked truth of life. Life far away from seductive outer glory and meaninglessness and artificiality.

I will make this very simple. I will make myself "seeing". In other words: I will use private experiences illustrating her subjective, but glowing painted narrations. You meet a deep fountain of beauty in her art. Beauty and tenderness, constantly refining the expression, the painting is the doorway to the power of imagination.

The brush is touching the white canvas, the pure surface. It is soaked with colour and now the hand is speaking, directly from the heart. An abundant intensity of colour is spreading across the painting. I see signs of inner states, and of dreams and maybe longing.

Art for Mona Pilgaard Moth becomes the supreme and in that moment the most lively and valid proof of the great wonder of life.
All the time and perpetually I see tales of the strange mysteries of life and at the same time both simplicity, and magic and also naked beauty and wonder full of longing.

"There is something behind the mountain…", the Swedish poet Dan Andersson writes. About this Mona Pilgaard Moth is painting. There is a glow like in a letter of love in her paintings.
The requisites may be a greyish veil of mist, the clearest blue figurations, white movements in space, faces in brown and scarlet, a tint of almost silver or glittering sand, all this I experience in her paintings. And in the middle of all this I feel my own longing for life. The great magic fairy tale of life….life beyond trivialities and emptiness.
A Swedish art philosopher once wrote about painting: "With all possible enthusiasm". These words describe as well Mona Pilgaard Moth as her art. She paints with "all possible enthusiasm" and is driven by a strong inner necessity.

It is not the outer she is seeking. But the adventure of colour and the inner content. It is about a constantly lively emotion and an inner depth. I see some of her paintings telling of nature in a more concrete way. Concrete yes, but never for a second reproducing or stereotyped. Rather the opposite. It is about a sky, a sky above a vaguely indicated landscape. It is a radiant painting, like the others. A northern scenery in lyrical painting of the best quality. Mona Pilgaard Moth is on a journey of art and of life. I travel with her and see brilliant impressions of her visions and perceptions. Her heart beat.

Her paintings - which are her breath and soul - have made my own journey of life rich."
